22 June 2014


Ellery: playing with his 'animoos' (one of his made up / bent-out-of-shape words)
Aubrey: is there anything more lovely than a squeaky clean baby?

One of his favourite games is acting out scenes with his animals. I am a required participant.

The small boy: first rolls from tummy to back. And, those impossible lashes. And dimples upon dimples!

I've been musing upon the 52 project and wondering whether I want to continue with it, in this form. 

It has helped me hone my eye, I think, for which I am grateful. And the routine has been important for follow-through. I am committed to some sort of regular portraiture of these amazing boys. But I lament the gems unposted, because there could only be one shot. Likewise I sometimes feel compelled to post images I'm not completely enamoured with.

Uncanny timing, these thoughts, as Jodi this week posed the question of whether participants intended to continue with the project for the second half of the year.

We shall see where these thoughts meander.


Hannah said...

Hi Sam, I just love the light in the photo of Aubrey - so very beautiful. This is the first time I have discovered your blog, and it looks like you live in an incredibly beautiful place!
I too have been wondering about the 52 project - while I love taking photos I have been amazed with my first baby that I really have to be deliberate in taking photos every week, which is a good thing. Contrary to you, I have found that rather than honing my skills, I feel like I have become disappointed in myself as a photographer and the lack of variety in the shots I am managing to take of my daughter! Still, I am looking forward to making a photobook at the end of the year, and I am sure I will feel emotional as I look back at how my baby has grown over the year!

dear olive said...

These are lovely photos! I feel the same about the project - not the overload of photos, but having to put up portraits that I think are a bit crappy. I'm barely taking any photos at the moment, but I'm kind of just hanging in there until I feel more inspired for more photos. Kellie xx